This spell allows the caster to block all teleportation and planar travel in an area. You're looking for the private sanctum spell It is a bit late to change the plot of the story and change the established "enemy took McGuffin from place before you did, and they are keeping it safe, as commanded by BBEG".

The module's recommended approach is to capture PCs alive and enslave them, with escape being a part of the chapter.Is there any RaW way to protect the entire dungeon? Both are fairly unsatisfactory solutions, PCs can just run into another room, or behind a pillar, and teleport there. So far, I've only come up with Darkness spells (to prevent players from seeing each other to teleport) or Counterspells at the time of cast. How can I prevent my players from pulling off this cheesy strategy against smart opponents who have witnessed this strategy multiple times and can plan beforehand? Forbiddance does not prevent you from teleporting out and Antimagic Field is a 10ft radius spell that requires concentration. They can now run into any dungeon and just escape freely when things get dangerous. My high-level party now has 2 casters able to cast teleport.